A Farewell to Arms (Writing)

Today marks a rather sad day in my life. The end of a weeks-long break from my (normal) work where I can concentrate on my writing. It’s been a wonderful three weeks. Let’s see what’s happened:

  • A daily writing session. Oftentimes at the beach. Sometimes two sessions a day.
  • I was able to punch out the bulk of novel number 5, leaving about 1/3 unfinished before the first draft is complete.
  • I was able to engage on my blog, revise a script I’m producing this spring and network with a lot of different people.

But today marks a farewell to my daily writing sessions. I’ve found that I only (usually) do novel writing when I have day after day where I can concentrate on it. When I start working on other mandatory things, then my novel is pushed to the background until I can pick it up again.

That also means that my non-novel writing part of my year begins. This is usually when I start dabbling in short pieces – typically short dramas or musicals. Actually, I have a good idea for a short musical which I started a while back. Perhaps that will be my next destination.

I’m sad that I no longer have a built in writing time each day, but I’m not sad for life. No matter what I am doing, I have lots of work I enjoy and lots of great kids to work with – such as my theatre arts class I’ll be teaching and the musical I’ll be producing. Those are always fun. Of course there is my softball coaching as well.

So as I say farewell to my arms daily writing, I welcome the many other interesting challenges that I’ll be faced with over the coming months. Of course, I’ll look forward to my next break when my novel will be completed.

By anyway you look at it, nothing will change on the blog. See you around. Daily.

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